Christian Beliefs Series
In this 7 session video series author, teacher and Pastor, Dr. Matthew Jacoby, leads us through the foundational beliefs of the Christian Faith answering questions like, Who is God? Who am I? Why am I here? How does Jesus make a difference? What is the ultimate purpose of the world?

Session 1. God. Who is God? What is God Like?
What is God, who is God and why does it matter? In this first session Matt talks about God. Who is God? What is God like? Are you thinking about God in the right way? Our view of God is the foundation of everything else in our lives, so it is vital we understand God as he has revealed himself to us. Matt addresses issues such as how we can know and experience an incomprehensibly great God. Also, why God seems so remote from us, and most importantly, how we can be sure that God loves us and means well for us.

Session 2. Humanity. Who am I? Why am I here?
In this session Matt discusses our God given identity and purpose. The issue of human identity is one that is getting lost in a chaotic fray of conflicting views. Relationships involve a crucial mutual affirmation of our common identity and sacred value to each other. The debasement of our identity and the subsequent loss of purpose in our lives is one of the most serious issues for our secular age. It is vital therefore that Christians understand the biblical basis of their identity and what it means to live accordingly.

Session 3. Rebellion. What went wrong?
What is wrong with human beings and the world? In this session Matt discusses the biblical story of the creation and the fall, and looks at the implications of these in how we view the world and our lives in it. Understanding the nature of the human predicament and the consequences of it will help us to understand aspects of life that are otherwise perplexing. If we are not realistic about our own nature and the state of the world we will not be able to navigate through our predicament into God’s wonderful plan of salvation.

Session 4. Jesus. Who is he? What did he do?
Who is Jesus Christ and what did he come to do? Why was it necessary for Jesus to die on a cross for our sins? Can’t God forgive us without this sacrifice? In this session Matt speaks to this and related issues that lead us to the very heart of the Christian faith. Understanding who Jesus is and what He did enables us to appreciate and experience the full power of the most important divine act in all of history. This is what is so good about the good news of what God did in Jesus Christ.

Session 5. Salvation. How do I have new life in Jesus?
How do I benefit from what Jesus did? How does the work of Jesus Christ affect our lives today? What difference does Jesus make and how does he make this change in us? Matt looks at the aspects of God’s work of salvation in our lives. He looks at how faith repositions us and enables us to know God in a first-hand way. Matt also explores the work of the Holy Spirit in transforming us and empowering us to live a new kind of life.

Session 6. Mission. How God’s purpose is worked out.
What is the church and why is it so important? The Christian life is a life with a mission. But, most importantly, it is a corporate mission. God saves us so that we might join his family and take our place in the family business, that is, the mission of Christ. Our mission is to continue the ministry of Jesus together. In this session Matt discusses the nature and meaning of the church and the amazing opportunity we have to be the temple of God’s presence in the world and the means by which people’s lives are transformed.

Session 7. The Future. God’s purpose for the world.
What does the future hold for me and for the world? Jesus is coming back to usher in a new creation and bring his work of salvation to its final goal. This is the exciting vision of the future which the bible announces and we are called to live our lives in joyful anticipation of what is up ahead. Your view of the future makes all the difference to how you see your present life. In this session Matt discusses what happens to us beyond our present life and what the bible says about the future of the world.

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