Subscribe to the Thrive Bible Reading Guide

Written by Dr Matthew Jacoby, author, Pastor and leader of the Psalmist music group Sons of Korah, each quarter, Thrive looks to take readers on a new journey of discovery through the Bible that will help us get to know God better and love Him more. Thrive is a Bible reading guide, designed to draw us into the Word of God in a deep and meaningful way. Thrive systematically works through the complete Bible over a seven year cycle. Thrive is available on subscription or for single edition purchase, in either eBook or printed edition, through our online store – 5iveonline.

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Thrive Nov 21 – Jan 22

David & Solomon
Kingdom Quest

In this issue of Thrive we will visit one of the most significant parts of the biblical narrative: the story of David and Solomon. The stories of David and Solomon are filled with profound lessons and amazing spiritual precedents. This part of the Old Testament is a great and memorable read. You’ll find this issue of Thrive both inspiring and sobering.
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Small Group Discussion Starters

Prepared by Matthew Jacoby, author of Thrive, and uploaded every 2 weeks, these Discussion Starter Sheets cover the previous 2 weeks readings from Thrive. Discussion Starters for each issue will only be available for the duration of that issue. Download your free Discussion Starter Sheets below.

David & Solomon – Kingdom Quest

Readings from
1-15 Nov
1 Samuel 17 – 23

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